"Scheffler ... hits on the most compelling explanation for the hours people spend twisting and turning a 3-inch cube." 

 New York Post


"[Rubik] marvels with the author more than 40 years later about the life that Rubik's Cube has taken on in modern years." 

Scientific American


"Even today, the Rubik’s Cube continues to test the wits of man and machine."

The New Yorker


"Scheffler provides the first comprehensive book on the global phenomenon of speedcubing."

 Erno Rubik, inventor of Rubik's Cube


"I just couldn't put CRACKING THE CUBE down once I started readingand I'm sure I'll read it again many more times." 

 Feliks Zemdegs, 2-time World Rubik's Cube Champion


"This is a book that anyone with a curious mind will enjoy!"

 Ryan Fitzpatrick, NFL quarterback


"Scheffler's charisma and passion for Rubik's Cube bleed onto every page of this book."

 Andy Smith, 2013 U.S. National Rubik's Cube Champion


"If you enjoy the Rubik's Cube as much as I do this is the book for you."

 Reese Hoffa, 2012 Bronze Medalist, London Olympics, Shot Put